vExpert 2015!

YAY!! Can’t really get my arms down yet. I was not sure I would make the cut this year but I did! So happy.

I was on vacation last week when the announcement of vExpert 2015 second half went out. A bit scared when I open the page and started scrolling only to realize that searching would probably be easier 🙂 So I did expecting not to find myself. But I did! So proud and humble that it happened and to me.

Now this announcement motivated to me to try and take my contributions a bit further. I will attempt to put out more content via this blog as often as possible and attending VMUGDK and trying to come up with more sessions to present. This is not my strongest side but it is a side that I believe I need to improve.

Thank you VMware for granting me this title! and thank you VMUGDK for the great danish VMware community!

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