The Missing Pop Up

During the work with consolidating several VMware installations into a single platform I have to manage permissions. Most of the installations were maintained by a single person or a smaller group of people thus permissions were not that complex, however they were all mostly the same; assign Administrator role to all people given at the vCenter level.

When moving to the new platform this is not really possible. I, as part of the virtualization group, of course have administrative privileges on the two vCenter servers and everything below. But the old administrators still need their permissions due them continuing to maintain legacy systems. We decided to grant this access on a cluster level. This also required us to create a folder in the VMs and Templates view, the Datastores and Datastore Clusters and the Networking view for each old installation. On the clusters and these folders we granted Administrator rights.

Now comes the funny part of this. We had not noticed the problem of a missing popup until a persistent administrator was testing his new rights out. We had the cluster he was on set on DRS Manual mode. This of course requires you to choose which server to start a VM on when powering it on. But he wasn’t getting the popup in the web client. I, at first, thought it was a web client problem but it turned out it was something else.

He would choose the action as below, Power On:


In my C# client I could see the following happening:


But the VM wasn’t powering on:


I tried powering it on manually and saw the popup in my client and wondered what was wrong since he didn’t get it. That is when I realized what might be the problem and tested it out. The problem being that powering on a VM and selecting which host to run on when in DRS Manual mode is a Datacenter privilege and as the user only had permissions on folders and clusters below the Datacenter he was not seeing the popup. If I added his permissions on the Datacenter (and not propagating) he would see the popup as below. This only happened when in DRS Manual mode: